Why Choose Cracking
Why Choose
& Benefits
Mining, Quarrying Industry CRACKING demolition agent help to achieve and dimension perfect slabs and blocks form limestone, onyx, marble, granite or any other type of stone you are working with compared with blasting, CRACKING can avoid waste of valuable stone, reduce working labor wages and avoid high cost of storage.
Building Demolition and Removing field, CRACKING can break reinforced concrete and rock into chunks, so you may easily cut off rear, haul it away with a crane of truck without damage remaining part, and do not need for shaft or evacuation during demolition.
Excavating Industry, you can use CRACKING in the places where vibration and blasting are forbidden. Places such as near gas station, bridges, tunnels, high-level buildings, etc..

Mining & Quarry Industries
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Construction / High Level Excavations
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Marine / Under Water Excavations
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Underground Excavations
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Easy to Use
Just mix with water and pour into holes then it expands.
More Details

Amazing expanding
breaks reinforced concrete, rock, marble, granite, limestone of any material you are working depending on the material you are working on strong expansive strengths.

Cracking is alternative
of blasting, diamond sawing and jack hammering. This technique is safer, more efficient works without noise or dust pollution and even produces no vibrations.

CRACKING is controllable and breaks reinforced concrete and all kinds of stone into desired shapes and sizes.

NO Special Permits
NO licenses needed. You can also use with minimal formal training or professional equipment’s

Long shelf Life
It can be preserved for one year in a dry place with moderate temperature without any leakage

- Granite, Marble, Sandstone, Limestone, Quartzite quarrying.
- Rocks Pre-Splitting, Fracture, Cutting, Demolishing and removal.
- Controlled Demolition or Cutting Concrete.
- Fracture and Demolition of the Concrete building and Structures.
- Excavation of Trenches and Foundations.
- Underground excavation and removing boulders.
- Marine Excavation including underwater operations.